#RickyBobby |
Hash tag rapping uses a word or name to act as a metaphor for what is being described in the song. Its invention can be traced to Kanye Wests’ ‘Barry Bonds’ (2007) where the successful Baseball League career of Barry Bonds is likened to Wests’ ability to create musical hits.
“And here’s another hit #BarryBonds”
West does it quite often, a personal favourite would be his verse on Drake’s ‘Over’ where he uses the language learning software ‘Rosetta Stone’,
“I could teach you how to speak my language #RosettaStone”
Young Money artist Lil Wayne features on ‘Barry Bonds’ and together with the rest of the YMCMB crew, they’ve taken hash tag rap to the next level. Here are a few samples of their work.
“Swimmin’ in the money come find me #Nemo” Drake ‘Forever’
Drake is referring to the popular Disney Pixar film ‘Finding Nemo’
“I race for your love, shake and bake #RickyBobby” Drake ‘Bedrock’
Okay, this one’s a little tricky to explain… The character Ricky Bobby is a car racer in the film ‘Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby’ and he uses the phrase ‘shake n’ bake’ to put down his competitors when he races i.e. “It’s shake n’ bake time”. Shake n’ Bake is a reference to the popular Kraft Foods breadcrumb flavoured coating, usually sprinkled on chicken or pork. So Drake is putting down other competitors in a race to win the love of a particular lady.
I’m a star #SheriffBadge – Nicki Minaj ‘Make Me Proud’
Sheriff badges are star shaped so she’s comparing the two.
Some other favourites:
“I am the future #DelorianDoors” will.i.am 'T.H.E (The Hardest Ever)'
Love this one.
“She make me wanna leave the one I’m with #UsherRaymond” Kevin McCall ‘Deuces’
A classic reference to Usher’s old skool hit ‘You Make Me Wanna’ and a brilliant use of hash tag rap.
“Now I’m flier than the birds #RichardBranson” Dappy ‘No Regrets’