Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hurry along Pippin!

Pippin and Auntie Mabel

Every so often, in an attempt to try and bring back pleasant childhood memories, I like to take trips down memory lane. Usually the best way of doing this is remembering the TV shows I used to watch. Very recently, I was reminded of an educational kids show called ‘Come Outside’. The star of the show was a dog called Pippin, who was really clever and did some amazing things – none of which I can clearly recall, but nevertheless still clever. The best part of the show was the multi coloured aeroplane which Auntie Mabel (Pippin’s owner) flew around to get to various locations where she’d embark on educational adventures. I learnt so much about how things work, for example how streetlights work, what happens to waste when it’s flushed down the toilet and how bread is made. Deep.

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