Thursday, March 22, 2012

TV Review: The Apprentice, Episode 1

Okay, so who watched The Apprentice last night? What an ‘interesting’ bunch of contestants (watch how I carefully choose my words here!) It’s all there really? I must say, at this stage in the game, I’m completely unacquainted with any of the contestant’s names, but I’m sure I’ll know them within the coming weeks. So for now I shall refer to them simply through description.

The first task is always a rival between the men and the women. The lady's team was rather interestingly named ‘Sterling’; apparently the name came to one of the contestants in a dream, like some foreknown supernaturally-inspired eventuality…Anyway the guys named their team ‘Phoenix’ – strength, rising from the ashes, stuff like that... I'm just waiting for the day when one team announces they want to be called 'Bieber's Babes' or the 'Swagger Muffins'. Erm? can't see that happening anytime soon!

Right, back to the task. All the groups had to do was buy some cheap un-labelled stuff, glam it up, and then sell it at a ridiculously high price to make a profit. Simple one would think? But not really… remember, this is The Apprentice; too many cooks, ever so often tend to spoil the broth.

The team leader for the girls is possibly one of my favourite contestant ever! She’s an architect and as Sir Alan Sugar said, she certainly has a ‘pleasant’ personality about her. Her creative flair shown through and her team had much better designs than the men’s team. Actually no, that’s an understatement; her designs where a million, billion, trillion miles better than the boys. BUT (and that’s a big but because) the boys won the task by making the most profit; making the classic move of focusing on profit more than the quality of the actual product.

In the board room, the team leader for the girls held her own, and some other lady, whose name evades me, left the show. It’s a lonely taxi ride but someone has to take it.

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